The Australasian Research Management Society has a range of Special Interest Groups. These groups are based on particular topics and consist of members with common areas of training or interest within the general field of research management and research administration.


As well as our Chapters and Networks, our Special Interest Groups enrich the Society's ability to provide opportunities to bring together communities of practice who share experiences and debates over hot topics and emerging areas of research management practice. 

Since our Sydney conference, and through the results of our recent membership survey, many of you have highlighted the importance of SIGs and have suggested new Special Interest Group topics. Examples included, but were not limited to AI in Research Management, Clinical Trials, Industry and Departmental Managers. 

With the establishment of any new SIGs we not only require members who are willing to participate and exchange ideas, but as importantly we need individuals who would be willing to take up the role of Co-Convening them.  If you have a new SIG idea, or are interested in helping to lead the establishment of any the ideas suggested by our members, please email Maria Zollo, ARMS COO in the first instance to discuss -