The Board is the governing body of the Society. It controls and directs ARMS’ business, including its committees and determines its promotion, policies, strategic planning and progress towards achievement of its mission and goals.

The new Board was confirmed at the Annual General Meeting of ARMS held on the 7th of September 2023.

Dr Tania Bezzobs


Director, Research Office, University of Technology Sydney


The President of the Society shall be the Chair of the Board and has overall responsibility for:

  • The delivery of the ARMS Strategic Plan Towards 2025
  • Business development initiatives for the Society;
  • Serve as the official spokesperson for the Society;
  • Stakeholder engagement for the Society;
  • Chairing of Board Meetings;
  • Member of the Accreditation Council; chairing the Annual General Meeting of the Society;
  • Conducting Induction interviews with new Board members; and 
  • Ensuring that the Executive fulfils its legal obligations under the Corporations Act 2001 and Associations Incorporation Reform Act (Vic) 2012.

Dr Lachlan Doughney


Senior Manager, Research and Innovation, RMIT University 

The Treasurer shall have responsibility for:

  • Maintaining accurate and current records and an audit trail of all accounts maintained by the Society;
  • Financial accountability including planning and budgeting in accordance with the ARMS Strategic Plan Towards 2025
  • Advising the Board on financial strategy including preparation of financial reports, both current and forecasts;
  • Attending and participating in all scheduled Board meetings;
  • Being informed about the Society's mission, governance structure, and programs;
  • Preparation of the Society's Annual Statement and its Annual Financial Statement for endorsement by our membership at the annual AGM; and 
  • Assisting the Board in carrying out its legal obligations.

Ms Kate Swanson


Senior Manager HDR Development, University of Queensland

The Secretary performs a critical role in fostering communication and diligence through proper management and utilisation of important records such as minutes of the meeting of the ARMS Board and the Society’s Constitution and Bylaws. 

Ms Sharon Aburn

Committee Member

Research Development Manager, Monash University

General Committee members play a critical role in advancing the work of the Society.

Ms Emma Collyer

Committee Member

Team Leader, Post-Award - Research Grants and Contracts, UNSW Sydney 

General Committee members play a critical role in advancing the work of the Society.

Dr Yordanka Krastev

Committee Member

Research Operations Manager, Ramsay Hospital Research Foundation

General Committee members play a critical role in advancing the work of the Society.

Dr Brett Szmajda

Committee Member

Executive Manager,  National AI Centre, Department of Industry, Science and Resources 

General Committee members play a critical role in advancing the work of the Society.

Ms Jaylene Wehipeihana

Committee Member (International) & Deputy President 

Waipapa Taumata Rau, The University of Auckland (currently on secondment to Universities NZ) 

General Committee members play a critical role in advancing the work of the Society.