Jacqui is a Senior Research Support Officer at Flinders University with over 10 years experience working in a variety of both academic and professional research advising and support  roles in the higher education sector. After completing her Ph D in Ecology at the University of Otago in 2013, she taught in the University of Otago Ecology Degree Programme for a number of  years while continuing with her own research interests in the fields of invasive species and alpine ecology. She moved into Academic Development, re-developing the University of Otago’s HDR Supervision Programme, before transitioning into a research management, development and support role in the University of Otago Division of Health Sciences. Her New Zealand-acquired research management skills have been invaluable in her role at Flinders, which focuses on pre-award research support and grant application development for NHMRC, MRFF and ARC funding. Jacqui also has a  teaching background which informs her passion for researcher development and she enjoys upskilling researchers on grantwriting and budgeting skills as part of her research support role.

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